Medical Minute

We have seen dramatic changes in how we operate since COVID-19 came to Kansas City. At The University of Kansas Health System (TUKHS) and most other pediatric outpatient centers/offices, well-child visits for children who do not need vaccinations to keep them safe have been cancelled for now. At TUKHS, we have cancelled in-person visits for lots of follow-up concerns for adults as well as children. We have started doing Zoom visits -Telehealth- with families as a strategy to stay in touch and take care of urgent needs that don’t require a detailed physical exam-such as checking in with kids who’ have asthma, chronic abdominal pain, and ADHD medication checks.Our psychologists and licensed clinical social workers are “seeing” kids and families with virtual visits using Zoom or Doximity which are HIPPA compliant.

Why are visits and elective surgeries being cancelled? Why are stringent visiting policies in place?
To protect our patients and our health care providers from community spread of COVID-19.
To save protective equipment (masks, gloves, and gowns) to be available to protect our health professionals.
Clinics, hospitals, and doctors offices across our communities are doing everything they can to prepare for a possible surge in ill patients. The big unknown is what will this surge look like – will it be overwhelming, as we’re hearing in reports from Italy, New York City and New Orleans, or will it be more manageable as seen in South Korea. The key to a manageable surge is the public’s willingness to practice social (physical) distancing. Each of you reading this can help prevent a health care disaster for this community! If youth continue to congregate for “corona parties” and families congregate in public parks without the distancing, the surge may become unmanageable for the health care system.

What can you do to protect yourself and your children?
Exactly what the CDC (Center for Disease Control) advises:
Keep your social (physical) distance from others. This means NO play dates; this means playing in the park while keeping distance from other people and NOT using the playground equipment; and this means avoiding visits to grandparents over age 65 who are at higher risk of getting sick
Wash your hands; Soap actually works very, very, very well to kill the pesky virus! Sanitizer is NOT necessary.
Cover your cough/sneeze with a tissue and discard the tissue, then wash your hands again!
Keep your distance, wash your hands, and stay well!

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