Sponsorships Available for RORKC 20th Birthday Breakfast!

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2017 is Reach Out & Read Kansas City’s 20th year of providing new, developmentally appropriate books to children and important literacy advice to parents! Because we have something extra special to celebrate, we are replacing our Green Eggs & Ham event with our 20th Birthday Breakfast.


The event will occur on April 20th, 2017 from 7:30-9 am at the Uptown Theater. Coffee and registration will begin at 7am. Ample and adjacent free parking is provided.


Join us in celebrating by becoming a sponsor for the 20th Birthday Breakfast.  Whether you are an individual, small business owner, or representative of a large corporation, we offer a variety of sponsorship levels and benefits.  We also invite gifts made in memory or honor of someone special.  View more information.

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