Green Eggs & Ham – SAVE THE DATE

You would not, could not want to miss, a Celebration such a this!

So mark your calendars for our 10th annual Green Eggs and Ham Breakfast, Friday, March 4, 2016, from 7:30 to 9:00am.

Join honorary hosts David Field Oliver, Cemal Umut Gungor, Richard Hu, and John P. Minnis as we return to the Crown Center Exhibit Hall for the tenth anniversary of our funtabulous signature event. Contact Mark for information about how you or your business can become a sponsor of this event. It is great exposure to an audience of 400 guests, and throughout our community. EmailĀ Jenny if you’d like to help with planning or setting/cleaning up on the day of the event, and stay tuned for more exciting details.

GEH Evite Photo

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