Inaugural Librarian’s Club Event Announced!

Join us for the Inaugural Librarian's Club Happy Hour

Reach Out and Read Kansas City is excited to announce our inaugural Librarian’s Club event!

This exclusive event will take place on June 10th from 5-7 p.m. at one of Kansas City’s best places to combine your love of books and fun: Our Daily Nada, a “boozy bookstore” in Kansas City’s exciting River Market district (304 Delaware Street, KCMO,64105).


We truly appreciate our supporters and we love our Librarian’s Club! The Club, a group of dedicated literacy champions who donate $100 or more annually, launched in November 2018. We promised members goodies such as extra raffle tickets, invitations to exclusive events, and entries into special quarterly prize drawings.


We’re looking forward to celebrating our Librarian’s Club members on June 10th with great music and complimentary wine, and yummy snacks. We’ll also have beer and other drinks available for purchase.


But that’s not all! We’ll also support our mission through a free raffle to build a child’s summer library in a Librarian’s Club member’s name, and share summer reading recommendations together.


Not a member of the Librarian’s Club yet? Hey, friends don’t let friends miss out on fun ways to support our community! If you, or someone you know, wants to join this great group of Reach Out and Read Kansas City supporters, you can join the Librarian’s Club right here with your donation of $100 or more.

Check out this link for more information about the event.

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