Hitting the Road: The RORKC Partner Clinic Tour

Over the past month, our director, Mark, and volunteer manager, Jenny,
set out on a series of day trips to visit each of the 51 partner clinics
delivering the Reach Out and Read program.

Hitting the Road - Jenny & Mark

This was no small task since the clinics are located across both sides of the
state line and in 7 counties throughout greater KC. Most were easy to find,
some were so far we needed to pack a lunch, and only one threw us for a loop
because the post office changed their address even though the office stayed
put. Though the undertaking was great, the information we gained from the
wonderful people and places we visited was even greater. We saw first hand what
each of our providers have been telling us all along –  these folks are
BUSY, they work very hard, and the new and used books we give them are highly
valued by the providers and the families they serve.

To all the staff, nurses, doctors, and practitioners who carved out a few

minutes to say hi and show us around – THANK YOU. We couldn’t do

what we do without you.

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