Janice’s Bookshelf: June Recommendation

At the Farmer's Market book picture

Most months, we post a book recommendation from our Book Coordinator, Janice Dobbs.  She’s spent 17 years curating the collection of developmentally-appropriate books that Reach Out and Read Kansas City provides to our partner medical clinics to hand out at well child visits. She knows books!


Here’s her June pick!


At the Farmer’s Market
Illustrated by Steffane McClary
Edited by Anna W. Bardaus
Published by: Scholastic
Age Range: 2-6 years old


At the Farmer’s Market is published by Scholastic. This brightly colored book is made of sturdy pages and features a diverse group of people shopping for healthy foods at their local Farmer’s Markets. Children will enjoy the “seek and find” pictures on each page and talking about the yummy fruits and vegetables depicted. It is also great for teaching colors and about the seasons. The back cover gives several suggestions to parents on how to expand on the concepts presented in the book as well. There is an English version and a bilingual version.

– Janice Dobbs


Janice Dobbs has been the Book Coordinator for Reach Out and Read Kansas City for over 17 years. She’s responsible for purchasing, organizing, and managing the delivery of over 80,000 books annually to our partner clinics.


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