Janice’s February Bookshelf Recommendation: “Skip Through the Seasons”

Skip through the seasons screen grab - Feb. book recommendation

Most months, we post a book recommendation from our Book Coordinator, Janice Dobbs.  She’s spent 18 years curating the collection of developmentally-appropriate books that Reach Out and Read Kansas City provides to 50 medical clinics to hand out at well child visits. She knows books!


Here’s her February pick!


Skip through the Seasons

Written by Stella Blackstone
Illustrated by Maria Carluccio
Published by Barefoot Books
Age Range: 3-6-years old 


Skip Through the Seasons– This is an entertaining “seek and find” paperback book that comes in English and Spanish editions.  The rhyming text is fun to read, and very quickly children will learn to pipe in on the refrain, “what can you see?” This book is chock-full of things to look at and talk about and provides a fun way to teach children about the changing seasons. It is great to read to preschoolers, who will also enjoy independently looking at it as they seek and find objects on each page.  It’s a beautifully illustrated book as well!
 – Janice Dobbs


Janice Dobbs has been the Book Coordinator for Reach Out and Read Kansas City for over 18 years. She’s responsible for purchasing, organizing, and managing the delivery of over 82,000 books to our 50 partner clinics. 

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