Today, she’s in an exciting chapter of her life. Katie and her husband, Chris, have an adopted son named Jimmy who is turning four-years-old this month. Jimmy is from China and hopes to meet his new adopted little brother soon. Right now, Katie and Chris are waiting for China’s border to open to finalize their second son’s adoption.
“Reading is a way for my husband and I to connect with our children early on, as we help them navigate a new language and new country. It has also helped us learn more about their culture and integrate aspects of it into our family,” says Katie, “Reading and books are so important to me as they have helped us discover new aspects of our son’s personality and create memories together as a family during our pre-COVID weekly library trips.”
By joining the Reach Out and Read Kansas City Advisory Board, Katie wants to help other children gain access to books as early as possible so that they too, can have the countless advantages of reading and learning at a young age. “What I am most looking forward to about being on the Advisory Board, is to help expand the mission of ROR-KC and get books into the hands of more kids and families who need them” says Katie, “I was specifically interested in ROR-KC because they don’t make families sign up for anything to get the books. They make the well-child visits less scary and more approachable.”
Katie is a City Planner for Raymore, Missouri with a background in cartography.
Welcome, Katie, and thank you for sharing your time and talents with us!